Is there something that you don’t like about yourself? Unfortunately, you most likely said yes to this question. We all have something we don’t like or struggle to accept. For me, I don’t like my lisp. What exactly is a lisp? According to, "A lisp is a speech impediment in which a person misarticulates sibilants.” Difficulties with speech vary from person to person, but for me, it impacts my ability to correctly articulate my /r/ sounds. I also speak at a fast rate, struggle with grammar, and sometimes slur my words, making it sometimes hard to understand me
I have always had a lisp. My first memory of having a lisp was during kindergarten recess playing on the swings, and then a boy came up to me. He said, “Why do you talk like that? It sounds weird.” I’ve always remembered that day, and this was just the beginning of bullying that I would have to deal with as I grew older.
My parents decided to put me in speech therapy at a very young age, just at 2 years old in preschool. I talked too fast, slurred my words, and I just pronounced words “differently” than everyone else. I went to speech therapy until middle school. The bullying still happened throughout high school and is still present today. It was frustrating for me since I was being bullied for something I could not control.
Dealing with the constant bullying was difficult for me and it took a toll on my confidence. I became very insecure about my lisp, and I was constantly worrying about what others thought. It was extremely hard not to let other people’s opinions get to me, and I was constantly thinking negatively about myself.
Over the years, I have had to learn how to work with my lisp, unsure I was being understood, and how to cope with my insecurities. One of the biggest things I had to tell myself is I can not control or change the way I talk, it is who I am. It’s difficult to think positively when everyone is bringing you down. However, you can do it! Every day, I try to focus on being the best version of myself. No matter what anyone says, you have the power to be the best version of yourself.
This might be a little cliche, but don’t let the haters get to you. You are you for a reason. If you have insecurities, remember, focus on being the best version of yourself, instead of letting others bring you down.
This is one of my favorite quotes: “do the best you can, with what you can, while you can, and success is inevitable.” (Steve Maraboli)